Cricket 2.2.5 (RIBEYE225001) 12/06/14
Cricket v2 Release Notes and History
The full v2 manual and other documentation is included in the DMG. You can copy these over to your hard drive. Addtionally, the v2 Manual
can also be downloaded separately here.
NOTE: Cricket 2.2.5 is a Universal Binary application
and will function on Intel and PowerPC-based computers running Mac OS
10.39 or later (including OS 10.10 Yosemite!). If
you need to run Cricket on an older version of OS X (10.2-10.38), you
should stick with version 2.0.1. Additionally, there have been issues
with v2.1+ and some older G3 machines. If you need to run Cricket on
a G3, you should also stick with version 2.0.1.
NOTE ABOUT OS 10.10 (YOSEMITE) AND LATER: In order to run Cricket on OS 10.10 Yosemite (and later), you'll need to download and install Java 6 here. The version of Java installed with OS 10.10 is not compatible with Cricket.
NOTE ABOUT OS 10.75 (LION) AND LATER: In order to start Cricket on Systems 10.75 or later, you'll need to navigate to System Preferences/Security & Privacy/General and tell your computer to 'Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere'. You can also set it to allow apps from 'Mac App Store and identified developers', which is more secure, but the first time you run the application, you'll need to right-click on the Cricket icon and select 'Open'--you'll then be presented with a warning asking if you are sure--click 'Open' again, and Cricket will start as expected. This only needs to be done the first time you run Cricket on OS 10.75 or later.
The main
testing machines have been a 1GHz G4 Powerbook & a 2.33GHz Intel
Core 2 Duo MacbookPro. The faster
your machine and the more RAM, the easier Cricket will handle the potentially
large DSP loads and intensive processing that this modular system might
require. Cricket will run on slower, older machines, but your flexibility
will be more limited. If you have a machine in question--run the demo
on it, build a test show, and see how your machine responds. If you are
running at 400 MHZ or less, proceed at your own caution. If you are running
with under 500 MB of RAM, proceed at your own caution. With slower, older
machines you may need to build more minimal systems with a smaller
amount of loaded Tracks. However, it should be noted Cricket 2.1 has
been tested on a 450MHZ G4 Tower with 768MB RAM, running OS 10.47 and
using a MOTU 2408 MK I. The test show in question contained approximately
55 Qs and 75 Tracks. The system was built with 2 outputs and 8 decks.
Apart from a sluggish Q Builder, this setup worked admirably well.
NEW! in 2.2.5
• Removed: Authorization scheme. Cricket is now FREE to use. MAKE GOOD THEATRE!
• Fixed: Default Save Object missing
• Fixed: Live Matrix Module incorrectly showing 'Changed' when
more than 1 module loaded in a Q
• Fixed: Problem with saving/retrieving shows with certain numerical
• Fixed: Track List width not properly displaying track numbers
above 99
• Fixed: Issue with auto-step not taking when double-go protection
is enabled
• Fixed: Issues with jumpy faders when manually grabbing
• Fixed: Issues with multiple fades in one Q
• Fixed: Matrix outputs now go to -inf when assigned a value of
• Fixed: Optimized Map Assign Qs to hit time=0 (immediate) assigns
more efficiently (quicker)
• Fixed: Optimized Cricket Link bus to handle larger data loads
• Fixed: Issues with Cricket Link and autofollows
• Added: Pause & Resume to DeckQ actions
• Added: Pitch & Relay to Deck Q actions
• Added: New Q Module Autokill
• Fixed: Bus control in Control Builder
• Fixed: Issues with Q Renumber
• Fixed: Issues with Q Editor & Cricket Link
• Fixed: Broken Sub Q List Mechanism
• Fixed: Audio dropout when loading Q Builder with Mixer Q Module
• Fixed: Saving Default Files now works again
• Added: Input/Output Patching
• Added: Live Matrix Mapping
• Added: Matrix Mirror
• Added: Cricket Link
• Added: Midi Show Control Module
• Added: Live Matrix Module
• Added: Custom Fade Type (per Mixer Module)
• Added: Prev and Next to Control Builder
• Added: Auto Cursor De-Select
• Added: Display of auth/key codes in About... window for authorized
• Added: New Map menu in menu bar
• Added: Cancel button to quit dialog in beta mode
• Added: Warning dialog when system is too big for CPU
• Added: Cricket will now create fresh Template folder & Default
files when none are present
• Changed: Audio/Fade Engine/CPU optimization
• Fixed: Virtual Midi Ports named Cricket 1/Cricket 2 instead of
maxmsp 1 maxmsp 2
• Fixed: All Channel Fast Fade
• Fixed: Map Assign not taking with Autostep time set to 0
• Fixed: Proper time display and playback of files over 1 hour
in length
• Fixed: Bus Matrix assigns now respond properly to fade times
• Fixed: Improper display of Track Length in 1st Track in list
• Fixed: Issues with authorization being overwritten upon startup
• ***based on Max/MSP 4.6.3 which includes stability fixes and
support for sd2 files on Intel platform
• fixed: map assignments resetting when new map is built
• fixed: can now open files by double-clicking in finder on intel
• fixed: Next Q display updates properly when Q is removed
• fixed: display of track names with decimals in the name
• fixed: problem with 2.1.0 installer that would wipe authorizations
on some machines
• changed: dialog display of Transport Show
• changed: Build based on Max/MSP runtime 4.6.2
• Changed: Univeral Binary app Based on Max/MSP runtime build 4.6.1
• Added: System Pause now will pause/resume all timing systems (delays,
fades, autofollows) as well as audio.
• Added: Help menu with item to launch v2 Manual
• Fixed: Bug when loading individual tracks--won't reset selected
deck in open deck modules
• Added: Storing of Live Target Status in Q Modules
• Fixed: Live Target Status broken in Input Assign Q Module
2.0.0 (release)
• Fixed: Q Builder Q Menu reverting to first Q after Store
• Fixed: Discrepancy between Q Editor and Q Builder name display
• Fixed: Q Name showing up in quotes in Q Builder
• Fixed: Rare occasion where Track Progress Bar would not update
• Fixed: Issue with Track List not sorting after replacing a Track
• Fixed: Issue with saving Track Lists/Q Lists/Map Lists
• Fixed: Issue with Master Settings not saving properly
• Fixed: Issue with Track Loader not identifying last Track Number
in List
• Fixed: Issue with Bulk Loading Tracks and dropping folders of
certain filetypes
• Fixed: Issue with Removing more than one Q in a row
• Fixed: General stability update
• Fixed: Issue with multiple Map Assign Qs in one Q
• Changed: Based on Max/MSP runtime build 4.57
• Changed: Considerably improved faders/curves
• Changed: Curve Editor graphic display
• Changed: Control Builder drop-down selectors for control column
• Changed: Control Builder return midi parameters for cc controls
• Changed: Q-Rack is now latched to Q Builder Window.
• Changed: Midi Note Q display in midi notes (instead of 0-127)
• Changed: Q Builder/Q-Rack very slightly widened for better Q-Rack
• Added: 'Empty' banner in empty Deck Rack/Input Master/Output Master/Matrix
• Added: 'Empty' banner in empty Q-Rack
• Added: Show Panel
• Added: Keyboard shortcuts for Load Track (cmd-t) and Bulk Load
Tracks (cmd-b)
• Added: All Decks Pause (P)
• Added: Track Menu
• Added: Q List functions to Q Menu
• Added: Export Q and Track Lists to text
• Added: Cricket v2 Instruction Manual 1.0.0
If you are having issues with external firewire hard
drives spinning down after 10 minutes of inactivity (resulting
in an abruptly stopped playback Q after only 2 seconds of audio),
you should try this
free utility. Some 3rd-party non-boot drives will not coorporate
with Apple's Energy Saver option to turn off drive spin-down 'when possible'.
Spindown Fix 1.1,
a simple Unix command-line utility can correct this problem on certain
drives. Note that some drives have a spin-down routine built into the
firmware that cannot be fixed even with this utility! In cases such as
these, you might consider building a series of autostepping Qs in a SubQList
that trigger a silent audio Track approximately every 10 minutes.
This is a coreaudio bug with the Max/MSP runtime that
exists only on these 2 popular Macintosh models. Fortunately
there is a quick workaround (from Cricket user Mark Hartshorn on the
Cricketfolk forum):
"Here's the problem:
You have cricket installed on a Mac that does not have an internal
microphone (In my case, it is a Quicksilver 933). Because of this,
the Mac does not have an
internal input. Cricket boots fine and lets you use the internal outputs
how ever you want.
Now you connect an external audio interface (I've tried this with an
Emagic EMI 2|6 and a
MOTU 828mkII - my default is the 828mkII). Everytime you start up Cricket,
it crashes on
Here's the work-around:
* You have to open the "audioprefs.txt" file in your Cricket
preferences folder using
TextEdit (or some similar simple text editor).
* the "dsp prefsubname" should be listed as "Built-in
* Change this to the name of your audio interface - mine was "MOTU
*** This is the tough part - trying to find out the correct name. I figured
it out by starting
up using the 828mkII on my laptop, and then getting the correct name
out of my
preferences (another option is to start Audio/Midi Preferences and find
the name of the device there).
* Save the text file.
Cricket shoud boot fine after this."
Recent testing on a G3 IBook has Cricket v2.1.1 crashing
on startup. This is an unfortunate bug in the Universal Binary Build
of Max/MSP runtime. If you are experiencing this problem, please use
v2.0.1 instead which runs quite happily on the G3 (albeit, slow--it's
time for an upgrade!).
Email with any questions.